Sunday, February 22, 2009

It's Official!

It's not official until you have plane tickets... And I have plane tickets!!!

I will be leaving for Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, on March 3rd to volunteer for 3 months with VSO as a resource center development advisor for the Disability Action Council (DAC) of Cambodia. While I am super excited for this opportunity, I am truly sad to be leaving my friends and family and will miss you dearly while I am gone :(

I have been overwhelmed by the amount of kindness that my friends, family, and colleagues have shown me these last few weeks and I want to thank you for your support. I never expected such positive reactions and warm gestures, but I am very thankful.

I have been running around like a manic chicken with its head cut off preparing for my departure! All the help and advice and precautions have made me better prepare for this trip then I ever have for any trip before. I don't even keep any Tylenol in my apartment, and I have already bought and packed a small pharmacy to take with me.

I'd like to end my first post with the CUSO-VSO (Candian chapter that I went through) one-liner: Changing the world, one volunteer at time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm just upset you're missing my birthday this weekend.
